New Patients (479) 323-3011

Current Patients (479) 340-0966

4805 Highland Knolls Rd, Suite 300 Rogers, AR 72758

Replace Your Missing Teeth Today

Do you have one or more missing teeth? Are you self-conscious of your smile?

Dr. Heather Adams offers her patients multiple restorative options for missing teeth. Whether you have lost a tooth or teeth from injury, decay, or another condition, Dr. Adams has treatment tailored to your needs. Before choosing a treatment, schedule a consultation with Dr. Adams. She will assess your oral health and review your budget and goals.

Restorative treatment options for missing teeth include:

Dental Implants

Acting like tooth roots, dental implants replace one or more missing teeth to provide stability to the mouth. Implants consist of a titanium post which is surgically inserted into the jaw bone. After 3 to 6 weeks, an abutment and dental crown are attached to protect the post and provide function.

Dental Bridges

This solution can be removable or secured with dental implants for permanent restoration. Several consecutive teeth can be replaced with this treatment.


Dentures are a great option for patients who are missing the upper and/or lower arches of teeth. Like dental bridges, dentures can be secured with dental implants. This solution also makes it easier for patients to bite and chew.

Schedule a Consultation to Replace Missing Teeth

Restore the form and function of your teeth with implants, bridges, or dentures. Call our professionals at (479) 431-4212 or request a consultation online today.