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Crooked Teeth Rogers, AR

Addressing crooked teeth at any age can improve your oral health and the appearance of your smile. When you have crooked teeth, you may feel too embarrassed to smile. They can also increase your risk of dental health issues. Dr. Heather Adams provides effective solutions for crooked teeth in Rogers, AR.

Crooked teeth are a dental health concern that may impact the function of your jaw. Misaligned teeth can also affect your bite alignment and your overall oral health. Even if you have mild to moderately crooked teeth, you need to receive professional care to prevent further complications.

Crooked Teeth Rogers, AR

Crooked Teeth: Risk Factors

Living with crooked teeth can increase your risk of other dental issues. When you have crooked teeth, you may be more prone to develop these problems:

If you have misaligned or crooked teeth, some teeth can feel the pressure from your bite more than others. An uneven bite can eventually lead to TMJ disorders. These bite disorders create headaches, teeth clenching and grinding, and jaw pain.

It’s also often difficult to clean crooked teeth. When teeth overlap, you can’t properly clean hard-to-reach areas of the smile. Harmful bacteria can build up, affecting your tooth and gum health. Straightening crooked teeth can sometimes prevent TMJ disorders, cavities, and gum disease problems.

Options for Straightening Crooked Teeth

Rogers, AR, dentist Dr. Heather Adams provides various solutions to address cosmetic orthodontic concerns. From dental veneers and tooth bonding to Invisalign clear aligners, Dr. Adams will help you choose the proper treatment. Dr. Adams will help you restore your oral health and improve the appearance of your smile. For patients with more advanced or functional orthodontic concerns, Dr. Adams may refer you to our partner orthodontist for appropriate treatment.

Our treatment options for crooked teeth include:

Invisalign For a Straighter Smile

Dr. Heather Adams is an Invisalign provider in the Rogers, AR area. Dr. Adams offers Invisalign clear aligners to address adult orthodontic relapse and correct mild to moderate cosmetic orthodontic issues. Patients with TMJ disorders may also benefit from realigning their teeth with Invisalign.

Clear aligners are discreet, effective, and can realign your bite in twelve to eighteen months. Invisalign affords teens and adults a more professional alternative to traditional metal braces without compromising results. Clear Invisalign aligners are more comfortable than traditional braces because they do not irritate the gums. Patients enjoy the nearly invisible and comfortable aligners.

Tooth Bonding Treatment

We utilize dental bonding to change the size and shape of teeth. Made of composite resin, bonding material blends in with teeth for a more natural and aesthetically pleasing look. Tooth bonding can be a great option for patients who may not want to commit to a more permanent dental treatment option.

Porcelain Veneers

Dental veneers are an effective aesthetic treatment for slightly crooked front teeth. We create dental veneers using ultra-thin, high-quality porcelain. Our porcelain veneers are color-matched to natural teeth to blend in perfectly. We bond the porcelain ceramic to the front of the teeth for a straighter and brighter appearance.

Are you experiencing an orthodontic relapse?

Orthodontic relapse is fairly common amongst adult patients who had received orthodontic treatment in their youth. Patients often experience shifting of their teeth later in life if they do not comply with their retainer guidelines. For other patients, late-onset orthodontic relapse may occur due to tooth loss or other changes in oral health.

Invisalign allows patients to realign their teeth without the hassle or embarrassment of wearing metal braces as adults. Clear Invisalign aligners can gradually shift teeth back into alignment. Most patients wear a removable or permanent retainer after completing their Invisalign treatment.

Patients must wear the retainer constantly as they would wear their Invisalign aligners. After several years, patients will only need to wear the retainers at night. We will tell you when you can begin to wear your retainers nightly. If you lose your retainer, please contact our office so we can create a replacement as soon as possible.

Crooked Teeth FAQs

Discover more about crooked teeth and treatments for misaligned teeth with answers to commonly asked questions:

Which treatment is right for me?

Each patient’s needs and wants are different. The crooked teeth treatment for one patient may not work for you. We offer several options. At your consultation, we will discuss the pros and cons of each and let you know which treatments you qualify for.

Invisalign is a very popular treatment for mild to moderate orthodontic needs. Porcelain veneers are often used by people who desire a complete smile makeover. Dental bonding often benefits people who are not ready to commit to a more permanent treatment.

Is it necessary to fix crooked teeth?

Crooked teeth may make you embarrassed to smile, but they are also bad for oral health. They can increase your chances of tooth decay as well as gum disease. It is much harder to clean in between teeth that are not straight. Uneven teeth are also more susceptible to chips and cracks, which can be expensive.

Lastly, crooked teeth can also lead to TMJ problems. Straightening your crooked teeth can make you more confident to smile and prevent oral health problems from developing.

What is the best treatment for orthodontic relapse?

Invisalign is a great option for adults who have experienced an orthodontic relapse. This teeth straightening system is very discreet. It involves wearing clear aligners that many people will not even notice.

You will not have to deal with the stigma of wearing metal braces as an adult! After your treatment, we will supply you with a custom retainer to prevent the relapse from happening again.

What happens if you don’t fix crooked teeth?

If you don’t fix crooked teeth, you may face several issues over time. Crooked teeth can make it diffcult to clean them properly, leading to a higher risk of cavities and gum disease. They can also cause uneven wear on your teeth. This leads to tooth damage or jaw pain. In some cases, crooked teeth can affect your bite, leading to difficulties in chewing or speaking. It’s a good idea to address crooked teeth early with orthodontic treatment to help prevent these problems and improve your oral health.

Does a retainer fix crooked teeth?

Not exactly. A retainer helps maintain the position of teeth after orthodontic treatment, but it won’t fix significantly crooked teeth on its own. Retainers are designed to keep teeth in place and prevent them from shifting back to their original positions after braces or aligners. If your teeth are only slightly out of alignment, a retainer might help keep them from getting worse. For more significant corrections, we recommend braces or clear aligners like Invisalign to straighten your teeth properly.>

Can you get veneers with crooked teeth?

Yes, you can get veneers for crooked teeth. However, if the misalignment is significant, we may recommend straightening your teeth first. Veneers can mask minor crookedness and give the appearance of a straighter smile. However, if your teeth are severely misaligned, correcting the alignment with orthodontics might be better before applying veneers. This approach ensures the best aesthetic result.

Schedule A Dental Appointment Today

Do you want a straighter and more uniform smile? Treat your crooked teeth in Rogers, AR. Call Dr. Adams for comfortable treatment at (479) 431-4212. You may also request a consultation with Dr. Adams online. If you have any questions about straightening your smile, please let us know. We’re here to help you.